Quality Monitoring During Construction

TÃœV Rheinland Chile S.A.


TÃœV Rheinland Chile S.A.


Five-Phase Check: Identify Construction Defects Early

  • Identify any defects early and eliminate them immediately without additional costs
  • Ensure high construction quality, because we coach everyone involved in the construction project to watch for errors and deviations
  • Receive thorough documentation that informs you of the quality of the construction work done in each construction phase
  • Take advantage of state-of-the-art inspection methods
Quality Monitoring
Phase 1: Review of the planning documents
Phase 2: Waterproofing system and building drainage
Phase 3: Shell construction, rough-ins, and airtightness of the building
Phase 4: Surface cement, interior plaster, roof, facades, and thermographic inspection of thermal insulation
Phase 5: Floor covering, wall covering, and finishing

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.tuv.com/en/corporate/business_customers/construction_real_estate/building_materials/quality_monitoring_during_construction/quality_monitoring_during_construction.html

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