Environmental Targets

Tata Consultancy Services S.A.


Tata Consultancy Services S.A.



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Achieving 50% reduction in per capita Scope 2 emissions over baseline year 2007-08 Achieved 40% reduction
Target reduction of fresh water consumption by 20% over baseline year 2007-08 (per captia)
To become groundwater neutral
Zero* waste to landfill (*Zero- <5%)
100% Compliance to waste management legislations Ongoing 100% Compliance for regulated wastees 100% compliant
Carbon Footprint Carbon footprint* (per captia) reduction by 50% over baseline 2007-08. 2020
Renewable Energy 20% renewable energy procurement of total power requirement 2020 Procurement of renewable energy at feasible locations, and where renewable energy purchase obligations exist
Water efficiency Achieve water neutrality 2020 Sewage treatment and recycling for zero discharge, rainwater harvesting (within campuses and outside)
Waste management Zero* solid waste disposal to landfill (*<5%) 2017 Waste categorization, segregation, quantification, and developing recycling channels
Supply chain sustainability – include sustainability reqirements in contracts for all vendors & conduct vendor assessments 2017 Engaging with key and high risk vendors, including sustainability requirements as part of the contract and conducting vendor assessment

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.tcs.com/about/corp_responsibility/Pages/Targets-impact.aspx