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Weg Chile S.A.


Weg Chile S.A.


WEG Equipment on the PSV Petrel

WEG Equipment provides propulsion, distribution, control & energy management on new fuel-efficient PSV Petrel.

WEG electric motors, generators, transformers, electrical switchboards, and an automation system for energy management, are all providing optimised operation on the first of a new generation of more fuel efficient cargo vessels built by Wilson Sons UltraTug Offshore, a joint venture between Wilson Sons and Magallane Navegação of São Paulo state in Brazil.

The PSV Petrel is equipped with diesel-electric propulsion, making it less polluting, more powerful and far more manoeuvrable. Costing around US$ 25 million, and with a local build content approaching 60%, the vessel will operate for oil-major Petrobras, providing the capacity to transport up to 3,000 tons of cargo on each voyage.

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