Ballistic Target Backing

Weir Minerals Sudamérica, Vulco S.A.


Weir Minerals Sudamérica, Vulco S.A.


Shooting ranges throughout the world have selected Linatex as a permanent fixture to safeguard shooters against dangerous ricochet’s in shooting ranges. Linatex is a natural rubber that exhibits outstanding resilience, strength and resistance to both cutting and tearing. It is these characteristics that permit Linatex to self seal after the projectile has passed through.


  • Linatex premium natural rubber curtains provide a safe shooting environment
  • Excellent self-sealing properties
  • Cost effective control of ricochet, noise and airborne lead dust
  • Approved by the British Ministry of Defence
  • Another distinct feature is the ability of the rubber sheeting to deaden noise from shots and strikes against the rear armour plating. At the same time, the quantity of hazardous lead dust is reduced. The lead dust and fumes are better contained behind the rubber where they can be extracted and do not reach the shooters at the firing platforms
  • Independent tests have shown Linatex to give the longest life whichever ammunition is used


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