HHRR Management (business Intelligence

DBNET Ingeniería de Software S.A.


DBNET Ingeniería de Software S.A.


HHRR Management (business intelligence)

HHRR Management (business intelligence)

It provides the global and systemic sight of the business of the Human Resources, with OLAP options and unstructured reports. It handles the most important indicators of the industry.

The preconfigured measures in the outputs are:

  • Real budgeted Resources and difference in percentage.
  • Assets and Discounts.
  • Absenteeism (vacations, medical leaves, permissions, etc.).
  • Termination of contracts.
  • Extras hours and paid hours.
  • Contracts, etc.

Each of these measures can be examined by different dimensions (for ex.: real resources for cost center, for position, for type of contract, for geographic place, for month, for semester, for year, etc.), where dimensions and measures can be combined in the same report or graphic for analysis.

  • Report and Graphic of Absenteeism.
  • Report and Graphic of Resources.
  • Report and Graphic of Assets and Discounts.
  • Report and Graphic of performance Evaluation.
  • Report and Graphic of Training.
  • Report and Graphic of Hiring and Termination of Contract.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.dbnet.cl/en/hhrr-management-business-intelligence.html

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