Framed Formwork Alu-Framax Xlife

Doka Chile


Doka Chile


  • the low pan­el weight re­duces the work-strain as­so­ci­at­ed with hand-set forming, yet the pan­els have a high load ca­pac­i­ty of 60 kN/m²
  • the frames are made of tor­sion-proof hol­low alu­mini­um pro­files, so can al­so be shift­ed by crane
  • seam­less tran­si­tion­ing to Framax Xlife makes op­er­a­tions easi­er to break down in­to crane-han­dled and man-han­dled zones, per­mitt­ing flex­i­ble lo­gis­tics and fast work­flow on the site
  • high num­bers of re­peat us­es made pos­si­ble by its ex­cel­lent man­u­fac­tur­ing qual­i­ty and ex­tra-durable Xlife-sheet
  • high load ca­pac­i­ty thanks to top-qual­i­ty forged con­nec­tor components
  • small­er num­ber of (ex­pen­sive) clo­sure zones, due to the con­sis­tent 15 cm in­cre­ment grid
  • us­ing the sin­gle-side-op­er­able ty­ing sys­tem Monotec op­ti­mis­es work­flows in confined spaces as well

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