Eriez Chile


Eriez Chile



SlamJet sparging is the most cost effective injection system for leaching processes

The Process:In the cyanidation process for most gold ores, metallic gold must be oxidized during the process of dissolution according to the following reaction:

4Au + 8CN- + O2 + 2H2 O = 4Au (CN)-2 + 4OH-

The rate of dissolution may be limited by transport of either of the reagents, cyanide or oxygen, depending on their relative concentrations. In practise it is common to operate with an excess of cyanide, simply because DO levels are too low as a result of an inefficient aeration system.

The Solution:The SlamJet may be used to raise DO levels in the leach or adsorption tanks. Millions of micro bubbles produced by the spargers ensure rapid transfer of oxygen to the pulp. The SlamJet gas sparging system has proven to be highly effective in producing the optimally sized bubbles required for maximising oxygen mass transfer rates.

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