Flow Meters

GEA Process Engineering


GEA Process Engineering


The question as to “What’s in the pipeline?” is very relevant to the issues that process engineers face with regard to the manufacture of beverages or other liquid foodstuffs. Information about how much liquid is actually flowing through a pipe at any given time is very important when it is a question of monitoring and optimizing processes during production.

Recipe control, risk minimization, enhanced utilization of resources – these are just a few of the many factors that go to make up quality. In sensitive manufacturing processes accurate and reliable measurement data are particularly vital.

GEA offers electromagnetic flow meters that can be used to provide accurate flow measurement for a wide range of products, no matter if your product is to be found in the beverage or brewing industry, or if it is a dairy product or an alcoholic beverage. Just as well, electromagnetic flow meters are an important device for the production of a perfect product for the chemical industry or the home and personal care industry.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.gea.com/global/en/productgroups/liquid-processing-systems/flow-meters/index.jsp?m=547

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