Pipe Express





  • Michael Lubberger
    Senior Product Manager Pipeline

The semi-trenchless construction method for installing pipelines

New standards for installing pipelines: The Pipe Express® system developed by Herrenknecht.

By developing Pipe Express® Herrenknecht AG has set new standards for installing pipelines. With this system, no groundwater lowering is necessary and, in comparison with the open construction method, routes can be considerably narrower. This has a positive effect on construction costs. Because it is highly ecological and cost-efficient procedure, the development of this new system is being subsidized by the German Environment Ministry.

Innovative procedure reduces environmental impact and cost burdens

Modular design: A TBM that works underground and a trenching unit as a vertical connection between the TBM and the terrain surface.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: https://www.herrenknecht.com/en/innovation/research-development/machines-components/pipe-express.html

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