Mineral Concentration

JRI Ingeniería S.A.


JRI Ingeniería S.A.


In the mining industry, JRI enjoys a well-earned prestige in the area of mineral concentration, thanks to its outstanding ability to optimize minerallurgical processes, its extensive operational database of concentration plants, the worth of its professionals, and its demonstrated ability to treat minerals additional to sulfurized copper, such as: iron, gold, silver, polymetallics and slag. The design of complete concentration plants and of crushing yards for hydrometallurgical plants, are the main activities performed by JRI in this field.

In mineral concentration, JRI has proven experience in the following areas:

  • Material handling: belts and stockpiles design
  • Crushing and classification
  • Milling
  • Concentration by flotation
  • Magnetic concentration
  • Dewatering, thickening and filtering

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: http://www.jri.cl/en/areas-of-expertise/mineral-concentration/

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