Water Services

Schlumberger Water Service


Schlumberger Water Service


Practical consulting solutions to water management challenges through technical excellence

Schlumberger operates globally and provides expert consulting services and technologies for the exploration, development, management, and environmental protection of water resources. Leveraging our extensive oilfield industry experience and proprietary subsurface characterization technologies, our teams of water and geoscience professionals provide private and public sector clients with cost-effective solutions to address water supply and disposal challenges.

“Step change” in subsurface technology for the mining industry.

Integrated services and technologies for water supply, produced water, sustainable management, environmental protection, and compliance monitoring.

Groundwater resource developed as supply for 25-year water flood operation.
Produced water used to recharge an aquifer depleted by historical agricultural water use in Queensland, Australia.
Expert approach with stakeholder engagement achieves consensus and sets standard for future water resources studies.

Más información sobre este producto consulte en: https://www.slb.com/services/additional/water.aspx

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